Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ever wondered this?

I've just come home from a gig and my ears are ringing. Have I suffered any permanent damage?

If your tinnitus has been caused by exposure to loud noise, for example from a rock concert or night club, then it is likely that the tinnitus will go within a day or so. However, although it is temporary, this should act as a warning that you have exposed you ears to a higher level of noise than they are comfortable with. If you let this happen frequently then it is possible that the tinnitus or any dullness of hearing, or both, may become permanent.
You should wear ear protection to protect your ears from damage when you are exposed to loud noise either at work or during leisure activities.
RNID's "Don't Lose the Music" campaign encourages people to take proper care of their hearing so that they can continue to enjoy music. Find out more about the campaign at the Don't Lose the Music website (external link, opens new browser window).

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