Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How much do werable noise generators cost?

Where can I get them and what do they cost?
You can get ITE and BTE models, combination instruments and "shoes" as part of NHS tinnitus treatment in hospital, where they should be free.
You can also buy them privately from hearing aid dispensers and consultants, but they can be expensive. If you are thinking of buying one, look for a hearing aid dispenser who offers you a trial period of at least 30 days. This will give you time to test out the noise generator in a wide range of settings to make sure it will be of some benefit to you.
In-the-canal noise generators don't need a personal fitting, and so cost a lot less. Some NHS hospitals supply them. You can also buy them privately from private dispensers or by mail order from companies such as PureTone.If you are thinking of buying privately you will get more from your noise generator if you buy it as part of a tinnitus management programme. Prices for sound generators start from £150, but you may be able to claim back VAT if you go through your GP or hospital.

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