Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Learn more about tinnitus

The term is taken from the Latin word of ‘ringing’. This disorder is basically described as a person’s hearing of a certain sound though there are no external factors causing that sound. The sound being heard is usually described as a constant ringing noise. This noise can be heard by both ears or by only one. Some people who are affected with this though describe hearing other sounds such as beeping, songs, tunes, locusts, crickets, roaring, clicking, ticking, and whistling sound, humming, hissing, buzzing, whining, and whooshing sounds.One thing must be made clear here. Tinnitus is not the disease. Rather, it is a symptom of many ear disorders. These underlying causes include presence of ear wax, foreign objects, ear infections, menieres disease, and an injury from a very loud noise.Tinnitus can also be a side-effect from taking oral medications (e.g.: aspirin), and abnormal lowering of serotonin activity level.

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